SEO for Ecommerce

SEO optimization for ecommerce – a sure step towards increasing sales

SEO optimization is necessary for any type of website, but even more so for online shops where the business activity is 100% online and the main goals are to increase monthly sales, increase average monthly orders and increase average monthly order value

Having an SEO optimised online store increases your chances of ranking in the top Google results, increases the performance of your online business and improves the user experience and interaction with your website – so important in the buying process.

Moreover, an SEO optimized website is a website ready to bring performance from campaigns launched through other marketing channels such as Google Ads. campaigns, Facebook Ads. campaigns or email marketing campaigns.

seo ecommerce

SEO optimization for ecommerce – a highly complex process

SEO optimization for ecommerce comes with certain actions in addition to other types of websites, which results in a more complex process and more time efforts.

The SEO optimization process requires advanced SEO skills because the structure and volume of data you have to work with on an e-commerce site is much larger and more varied than on a presentation, service or product catalogue site.

The results of an online shop optimization process will be seen over time, because firstly it is a natural process, specific to SEO services, and secondly, as more analysis and implementation is required, it is natural that it takes longer.

In any case, there are many other factors that shape the pace of evolution of organic visibility in the search engine (the history of the store, the platform on which it was developed, the industry, the competition, etc.), which is why no two projects are alike and there are no general rules.

SEO services for ecommerce – by an SEO team specialized in ecommerce

  • Identify technical indexing and ranking problems of the online shop (On-Page SEO audit)
  • We analyse the market and how the target audience searches for products
  • We identify new search intentions
  • We analyse the website architecture and come up with recommendations
  • We analyse the structure of categories and subcategories
  • We look at the types of filters and how they are indexed
  • We study product pages and make recommendations
  • We analyse the procurement flow and come up with suggestions for improvement
  • We study, interpret the data already collected and issue scenarios based on them
pasi strategie seo
realizare strategie seo
  • We make organic traffic estimates based on keyword analysis and site history
  • We analyse the competition in terms of commercial offer, website presentation and performance, ranking and SEO strategies applied
  • We study user behaviour
  • Optimise existing content or develop new content where appropriate
  • We develop the content strategy based on the established SEO objectives
  • We develop and adapt the link building strategy according to the objectives, the evolution of the SEO campaign and the efforts allocated by the competition
  • Identifying new business opportunities
  • We continuously analyse the data collected and the evolution of the performance indicator values to keep things under control and support the path to results

Ecommerce SEO Factors
– the most important factors to analyze and track

Loading speed

Secure connection (https)


Structure (menu)

Mobile adaptability

Search on the website

Visibility of the product filter area

Visibility of the product sorting area

Product basket visibility

Internal linking

For more details about SEO optimization of your shop