Search engine optimization using article marketing
If you search the internet, you will probably find hundreds of discussions about article marketing or blogging and the impact this method of promotion has on SEO.
Este o abordare diferita fata de servicii SEO clasice, dar in niciun caz marketing-ul prin articole nu este o abordare ce submineaza sau inlocuieste o campanie SEO, ci este un mod de a atrage trafic creeand articole ce vor fi pozitionate pe cuvinte cheie tip “long tail” sau cuvinte cheie short tail cu tenta informativa, un exemplu clasic fiind cheile de tip “informatii laptop”, “informatii camere foto” etc.
Definitia content marketing-ului este promovarea unei afaceri sau a unui produs in mediul online prin redactarea de articole. Pare simplu la prima vedere, dar de fapt sunt multe dedesubturi in acest tip de marketing online.
What type of businesses is a content marketing campaign suitable for and how “safe” is it?
This SEO strategy is extremely beneficial for B2B companies or B2C (business to consumer) companies operating online. A properly executed article marketing or content marketing campaign will bring traffic and conversions to online businesses.
In terms of compliance with Google Guidelines, you can’t get much whiter than content marketing. Because this type of marketing is not intended to manipulate search engines, but rather to inform or help the target audience with useful information.
Google will automatically reward this type of promotion and display the articles to as many users as possible who are interested in the topics written. Those users once reading the articles can be directed to the commercial part of the site, of course in a smart way, thus generating conversions and the campaign reaching its desired goal.
What are the steps of a content marketing campaign?
The first step in a content marketing campaign is always research. In order to determine the next steps of the campaign, the search trends of the users in the niche in which the business to be promoted operates should be identified.
The reason for this is that each niche has unique user behaviour, with users searching for information according to a certain pattern.
Identifying this pattern can create a direction for the articles to be written in the content marketing campaign to meet the requirements and needs of potential buyers or business partners.
Urmatorul pas ar fi creearea unei strategii de postare ce consta, de regula, in:
• Conceperea unui calendar editorial
• Research de cuvinte cheie pentru fiecare articol
• Creearea articolelor si postarea lor in blog-ul companiei
• Promovarea continutului in retelele sociale
• Obtinerea de backlink-uri naturale pentru aceste articole.
Let’s elaborate on the above points:
Designing an editorial calendar
This editorial calendar is actually a blueprint that summarizes your content marketing strategy. This editorial calendar contains the frequency of posting articles, either daily, weekly or bi-monthly, the number of articles to be posted in each posting session and the promotional activities of each article.
Keyword research for each article
This step is paramount to ensure that the articles written will be read. If there is no demand for a topic, it will automatically not be searched by anyone. This research will be done with Google’s keyword tool:
Creating articles and posting them on the company blog
To create articles, some rules of writing must be followed. The first rule is that the article should be written for users, not for Google bots.
Another rule is that the article must contain the keyword, but also LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) words. These words are actually synonyms of the keyword and words that are closely related to the targeted keyword.
A simple way to identify it is to search Google for the keyword at the beginning of which a tilde “~” is added. This search will display in the footer of the Google results page a number of words that Google considers similar and relevant to the keyword searched.
Promoting content on social networks
Because “sharing is caring”, automatically any article posted, shared or liked on social networks will send signals to Google that that article has a “something” and that all the positive signals received from social networks lead to the merit of the article being displayed in organic searches according to its relevance.
Wondering if you need content marketing too?
If you don’t know the answer to this question, then we invite you to request a free seo audit and we will answer it for you.
OptimizarePlus is an agency that offers SEO services, including content marketing. Let’s discover together what are the problems of your website and how we can help you promote yourself through content marketing and more.